Friday, October 13, 2006

Virginia Bar Exam Results

The Virginia Bar Examiners posted the names of the 1,000 or so folks who passed the July 2006 bar exam and my name was on the list! The results were posted a week earlier than anticipated, so it was an exciting surprise.

Now the next step. Where is the Lord in this and how does He want me to serve, using my new status as a licensed attorney?

Stay tuned!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

High Tide Today

A nor'easter has been blowing off the Atlantic since yesterday. The water was high in the little creek that runs along our property. So, Michael and I dropped our small kayaks into the creek and we paddled about a mile down to the Elizabeth River!! This was our first float from our "waterfront property."

We passed behind house after house with slightly flooded backyards or submerged small boat docks. The creek was probably 60 feet wide or more in many places. If only I had taken my camera!!

The temperature is mild-- low 70s. It was overcast and we got sprinkled with an occasional shower. We upset ducks, geese, a heron or two, and some small dogs who ran up and down the fence of their backyard wondering what those huge things were floating behind their house!

At the end of the creek (and beginning of the river I suppose) we floated around marsh grass heading toward deeper water. If we continued on, we could paddle down the Elizabeth River into the Chesapeake Bay, and eventually into the Atlantic Ocean. Then I suppose we could paddle on to England. But then, we had forgotten to pack lunch. . . .